Environment is an important factor to get the best performance from all employees. All the unit of Divine Fashion Group strictly maintains healthy & hygienic provisions as per ILO and Bangladesh labor laws & regulations.
Divine Fashion Group ensures required working space for moving and performing operations smoothly; we also provide a safe, well ventilated and healthy working area. There are proper and sufficient arrangements for dining, safe drinking water, hygienic toilets & personal safety arrangement.
Regarding work place safety, we take maximum precautions against fire, mechanical and chemical hazards. There are clearly marked evacuation zones and routes to be used in emergencies along with fire safety equipment like fire hydrant, smoke, fire detector, gas mask and lock cutter etc.The following facilities are available for employees including a day-care center for employees’ children.
- Full time doctors with two beds are available in the factory premises.
- Free work time medical assistance,medicine and proper first aid boxes are provided.
- Trained fire fighting team along with training pro gram & drill for the fire escaping are fully followed every month.